【IELTS雅思8分】Speaking技巧 — 百搭的「罐頭答案」
迅狐建議,準備一些百搭的「罐頭答案」吧。不論問題是什麼,都可以隨手開個罐頭,套入去答,再加些native speakers常用的linking words,那就perfect了。「罐頭答案」可以關於喜歡的地方、書、電影、敬愛的人、難忘的往事、生活群組等。構思時,嘗試套入最少3個topic答都答到。示範一下:
(Hongkongers) might seem like too busy to socalise as they are living among the hustle and bustle of the city. But if you get to know them, you’ll find most of them are actually pretty friendly and helpful.
Relevant topics:
[Hometown] What are the people like in your hometown?
[Friend]: Do you think it is easy to make friends in your city?
[Neighbours]: Are neighbours usually close to each other in your country?
[Work]: Do you get on well with your colleagues?
迅狐建議選一個既有書又有拍電影/電視劇的,e.g. Harry Potter, the Lord of Rings, a Game of Thrones
I’m really fond of reading (watching movies). Harry Potter is my all-time favourite. It’s a (a movie based on the) fantasy novel series written by the British author J.K. Rowling. It’s full of wonderful imagination and its’ so addictive that I couldn’t stop after the first book/movie.
Revelant Topics:
[Reading] What is your favourite kind of book to read?
[Movie] What is your favourite movie?
[Leisure Time] What is your favourite leisure activity?
[Hobbies] Do you have a hobby?
【IELTS雅思8分】Writing Task 2大作文教學
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