【IELTS雅思8分】Writing Task 1 小作文教學
Writing Task 1俗稱「小作文」,顧名思義,是因為字數(150–200字)、佔分(33.3%)及用時(15–20min)較少。
相對上,Writing Task 2則俗稱「大作文」,字數(250–300字)、佔分(66.7%)及用時(40–45min)較多。
大家報IELTS時,分為學術(Academic)和通用(General Training)兩類。一般而言,申請到外地升學的朋友,會報考Academic;申請移民到英語國家(澳洲、加拿大)的人,會報考General Training。
兩類考試內容非常接近,只是讀寫兩部分有些差異。當中最大分別,就是「小作文」Writing Task 1。
Task 1佔分 33.3%,建議分4段,寫150–200 字,用不多於15–20 min。計分方面,Task Achievement(內容)、Coherence & Cohesion(組織)、Grammar(文法)、Vocab(詞彙)四項各佔25%。可見,由於IELTS是語文試,最重要的不是what you are going to say,it’s more about how you say it。
Academic考圖表分析(e.g. bar chart、pie chart、line graph、table、map和diagram等)。
General Training則考書信寫作(e.g. 投訴信、申請信、推薦信、予以建議/指示/要求的信)。
以下是一道Academic Writing Task 1的題目:
面對Academic Writing Task 1小作文的圖表分析題目,迅狐建議用4段式寫作:Intro + Overview + Point 1 + Point 2 (不用Conclusion,因為與Overview重疊)
1. Introduction簡介(1句)
簡介一下,這是一張什麼圖表。基本上就是把題目再說一遍。不過,必須結合圖表去paraphrase題目,盡量不要重覆題目字眼(去爭取“vocab”分數)。舉例說,information改成data,show改成illustrate,spending改成expenditure。以下是官方的model answer:
紅色的部分都做了paraphrasing。例如,題目的graphs改成bar charts,between X and Y改成 from X to Y。要再改寫的話,還有很多方法,例如:
The given bar charts illustrate data on the proportion of people owing a computer as well as the relationship between computer ownership and education level from 2002 to 2010.
2. Overview概況 (2–3句)
常用句式:Overall,/In general, it can be seen/observed that XXX 或 XXX can be seen in
內容:上面的官方marking scheme,列明Task Achievement要取7分以上,必須給出“clear overview of main trends”。因此,這一段就是特地回應這個訴求。
如要說數字只說大概(e.g. over half,only one third, three out of four),不用徵引確切數據(尤其是幾多%),確切數據應留給第3–4段。
以下官方的model answer,正是用了上述的「最主要趨勢」(a steady but significant rise over the period)和「最普遍現象」(over half in 2002, three out of four by 2020)。
3. 內文段落1、2 (每段3–4句)
內容:每個段落寫1–2個重要發現。可以description形容圖表(最普遍現象、最多、最少、最高、最低),或者compare and contrast比較兩者(A和B最大的相同/不同/相似,最明顯升跌幅度(大升、大跌、不變))。盡量給予準確的數據(幾多%,或增長了幾多percentage points)(注意:有些學生看到上年20%,今年30%,就算成「增加10%」,是錯的!應該是增加了10個percentage points。)
我們來拆解一下以下的官方model answer用了什麼招式:
An analysis of the data by level of education shows that higher levels of education correspond to higher levels of computer ownership in both of those years.
← A和B最大的相同
In 2002, only around 15% of those who did not finish high school had a computer but this figure had trebled by 2010.
← 形容圖表(最低),以及最明顯升幅:由約15%急增至原本三倍(約45%)(注意:三倍化/增長兩倍都是對的,但有些學生說成「增長三倍」則是錯的。由1增至3的話,3是原本的300%。但在計算變幅時,新減舊除以舊,即是(3–1)/1 x 100%= 200%,即增長了200%)。
There were also considerable increases, of approximately 30 percentage points, for those with a high school diploma or an unfinished college education (reaching 65% and 85% respectively in 2010).
← 明顯升幅的另外兩項數據。與overview部分不同的是,盡量引用實質數據。
However, graduates and postgraduates proved to have the greatest level of ownership in 2010, at 90% and 95% respectively, 20 percentage points higher than in 2002.
← 形容圖表(最高),以及升跌幅度。
.marginally/ slightly, considerably, sharply, dramatically(形容升跌幅度)
.about/ around/ approximately (大約)
.account for/ represent (佔多少)
.Likewise (比較相同)
.while/ whereas/ compared to/ as opposed to/ in comparison with(比較不同)
.In terms of…/ With regards to… (關於/至於xxx)
【IELTS雅思8分】Academic Writing Task 1 小作文教學
【IELTS雅思8分】General Training Writing Task 1 教學 — Formality is the key
IELTS準備 | Academic和General Training卷應該報邊份?
IELTS準備 | Writing Task 1 (academic) 寫作技巧
IELTS準備 | Writing Task 2 寫作技巧
Writing Task 1俗稱「小作文」,顧名思義,是因為字數(150–200字)、佔分(33.3%)及用時(15–20min)較少。
相對上,Writing Task 2則俗稱「大作文」,字數(250–300字)、佔分(66.7%)及用時(40–45min)較多。
大家報IELTS時,分為學術(Academic)和通用(General Training)兩類。一般而言,申請到外地升學的朋友,會報考Academic;申請移民到英語國家(澳洲、加拿大)的人,會報考General Training。
兩類考試內容非常接近,只是讀寫兩部分有些差異。當中最大分別,就是「小作文」Writing Task 1。
Task 1佔分 33.3%,建議分4段,寫150–200 字,用不多於15–20 min。計分方面,Task Achievement(內容)、Coherence & Cohesion(組織)、Grammar(文法)、Vocab(詞彙)四項各佔25%。可見,由於IELTS是語文試,最重要的不是what you are going to say,it’s more about how you say it。
Academic考圖表分析(e.g. bar chart、pie chart、line graph、table、map和diagram等)。
General Training則考書信寫作(e.g. 投訴信、申請信、推薦信、予以建議/指示/要求的信)。
以下是一道Academic Writing Task 1的題目:
面對Academic Writing Task 1小作文的圖表分析題目,迅狐建議用4段式寫作:Intro + Overview + Point 1 + Point 2 (不用Conclusion,因為與Overview重疊)
1. Introduction簡介(1句)
簡介一下,這是一張什麼圖表。基本上就是把題目再說一遍。不過,必須結合圖表去paraphrase題目,盡量不要重覆題目字眼(去爭取“vocab”分數)。舉例說,information改成data,show改成illustrate,spending改成expenditure。以下是官方的model answer:
紅色的部分都做了paraphrasing。例如,題目的graphs改成bar charts,between X and Y改成 from X to Y。要再改寫的話,還有很多方法,例如:
The given bar charts illustrate data on the proportion of people owing a computer as well as the relationship between computer ownership and education level from 2002 to 2010.
2. Overview概況 (2–3句)
常用句式:Overall,/In general, it can be seen/observed that XXX 或 XXX can be seen in
內容:上面的官方marking scheme,列明Task Achievement要取7分以上,必須給出“clear overview of main trends”。因此,這一段就是特地回應這個訴求。
如要說數字只說大概(e.g. over half,only one third, three out of four),不用徵引確切數據(尤其是幾多%),確切數據應留給第3–4段。
以下官方的model answer,正是用了上述的「最主要趨勢」(a steady but significant rise over the period)和「最普遍現象」(over half in 2002, three out of four by 2020)。
3. 內文段落1、2 (每段3–4句)
內容:每個段落寫1–2個重要發現。可以description形容圖表(最普遍現象、最多、最少、最高、最低),或者compare and contrast比較兩者(A和B最大的相同/不同/相似,最明顯升跌幅度(大升、大跌、不變))。盡量給予準確的數據(幾多%,或增長了幾多percentage points)(注意:有些學生看到上年20%,今年30%,就算成「增加10%」,是錯的!應該是增加了10個percentage points。)
我們來拆解一下以下的官方model answer用了什麼招式:
An analysis of the data by level of education shows that higher levels of education correspond to higher levels of computer ownership in both of those years.
← A和B最大的相同
In 2002, only around 15% of those who did not finish high school had a computer but this figure had trebled by 2010.
← 形容圖表(最低),以及最明顯升幅:由約15%急增至原本三倍(約45%)(注意:三倍化/增長兩倍都是對的,但有些學生說成「增長三倍」則是錯的。由1增至3的話,3是原本的300%。但在計算變幅時,新減舊除以舊,即是(3–1)/1 x 100%= 200%,即增長了200%)。
There were also considerable increases, of approximately 30 percentage points, for those with a high school diploma or an unfinished college education (reaching 65% and 85% respectively in 2010).
← 明顯升幅的另外兩項數據。與overview部分不同的是,盡量引用實質數據。
However, graduates and postgraduates proved to have the greatest level of ownership in 2010, at 90% and 95% respectively, 20 percentage points higher than in 2002.
← 形容圖表(最高),以及升跌幅度。
.marginally/ slightly, considerably, sharply, dramatically(形容升跌幅度)
.about/ around/ approximately (大約)
.account for/ represent (佔多少)
.Likewise (比較相同)
.while/ whereas/ compared to/ as opposed to/ in comparison with(比較不同)
.In terms of…/ With regards to… (關於/至於xxx)
【IELTS雅思8分】Academic Writing Task 1 小作文教學
【IELTS雅思8分】General Training Writing Task 1 教學 — Formality is the key
IELTS準備 | Academic和General Training卷應該報邊份?
IELTS準備 | Writing Task 1 (academic) 寫作技巧
IELTS準備 | Writing Task 2 寫作技巧
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