【IELTS雅思8分】Writing Task 2大作文教學

IELTS雅思寫作部分Writing Task 2,俗稱為「大作文」,因為比起Writing Task 1,用時佔分較多( 66.7%), 建議字數較多(250–300 字),建議用時亦較長(40–45 min)。

Task 2題目要求寫一篇formal的議論文。迅狐建議,時間分配為:用5分鐘審題+寫大綱,35–40分鐘寫作。內容方面,分為4至5段寫:

Introduction + 2–3 main points + Conclusion


Source: British Council

以下是一道Academic Writing Task 2的官方題目:

Source: British Council

一、引言Introduction (2句)(<50字):
(1) 1句:背景(background statement)= 把題目paraphrase
(2) 1句:立論(thesis statement) = 自己立場

Model answer:
(1) Given the power and influence of the super rich, it might seem as if social status and material possessions are the new symbols of personal worth, (把題目paraphrase
(2) but in everyday life I do not think this is true(立場).

這裡用了paraphrasing手法,把“person’s worth seems to be judged by X and Y” 改成 “it might seem as if X and Y are the new symbols of personal worth”
有人可能想把social status和material possessions也改一下。例如改成materialism (物質主義)。但是,迅狐建議:對於專有名詞,要很小心相近而非相同概念,例如town(小城鎮) vs city(大城市),vegetarian(會吃雞蛋牛奶等動物產品的素食者) vs vegan (完全素食者)。

the government should = the authorities ought to
to put people off from xxx =to deter/prevent ppl from xxx
solve the problem = resolve the problem
such as = for instance
beneficial = adventageous
negative impact = detrimental/ damaging effect

we can solve (v.) this problem by = the solution (n.) of this problem is
Most people believe that = It is generally believed that (active -> passive)

二、2–3個Main Paragraphs(每段4–6句),每段一個論點
Marking scheme講明,內容上需要‘extended and well supported ideas.’,如何extended and well supported呢?給他解釋、例子和小結吧。可以嘗試利用以下公式去寫出一個段落:

Topic Sentence 論點 + Elaboration 解釋一下+ Example 例子+ Conclusion 小結

It is apparent that most celebrities today are admired or envied solely for their material wealth or position in various social hierarchies. (Topic Sentence:直接把論點的最核心的中心思想說出

Many of these people are known to turn their backs on friends, cheat on their spouses or spend their evenings over-indulging in alcohol and/or drugs. (Elaboration:通常是講解一下事情的背景,或解釋一下Topic Sentence

Things like owning a mansion, driving an expensive car and getting into A-list parties are exalted above old-fashioned values. ( Example:舉例最大好處就是把抽象事情具體化。除了一般可以用”For instance,”/“For example,”開首舉例之外,也可以像裡以”Things like A, B C and D”作為subject的方式舉例。如果一時間想不到實際事例(如Paris Hilton等有錢而私生活混亂的名人,就給他設例、史例、或如上面一樣想像一些例子,反正都做到具體化的效果。)

Ultimately, though, it is the many readers of gossip magazines and celebrity blogs who reinforce these ideas.(Conclusion:可以簡單一下上面說的,也可以展望一下將來,也可以像上面一樣把現象歸因於某些因素

三、總結 Conclusion (2–3句)

In conclusion, I believe there is some truth to the notion that status and possessions have superseded old-fashioned values as a measure of a person’s worth. Looking beyond the tabloids, however, it is apparent that most ordinary people have still preserved an old-fashioned conscience.

【IELTS雅思8分】Writing Task 1 小作文教學


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